Empower Women to Empower Others Through Jewelry
What an extraordinary time to be a woman!
We notice the collective narrative is shifting. When we heal ourselves, we heal each other.
Now that the world is ready for a woman’s touch, we call in our powers of intuition, of softness, of compassion + nurturing, of wholeness - that allows us to embrace the duality of our humanness.
Here at the I Am Love Project, our mission is to empower women to empower others. When we act from a place of abundance, with the idea that there is enough to go around for all of us, we foster more to give than if we live from a lack mentality.
It can sometimes feel like all we do as women is give. But if we give with joy, while maintaining the boundaries that allow us to live authentically, we receive that joy back tenfold. When one of us celebrates success - whether that be by showing up for ourselves in our personal lives, saying what we mean, or breaking glass ceilings - we all celebrate that success.
Join us in celebrating YOU by taking a moment to appreciate all you bring to the table. Celebrate all the ways in which you are perfectly imperfect, because it is through our flaws that we gain a better understanding of who we are and what we need.
And something we definitely need in this world is more women to be aware of their inner strength, of their capacity to create change, and of the bright light that radiates from within.
I AM LOVE Project would like to partner with and support organizations that want to support + empower women by creating jewelry with mindful intention to do just that.
Our hope is that with each purchase, one is inspired by the story the jewelry represents. As each piece of jewelry is created a story is told. As each piece is purchased, an individual's story is heard. As each piece is worn, a story is shared.
Check out our beautiful xoxo necklace collection and let us know whose story you are sharing today. ♡